What is “device management”?

Concepts and Definitions

General Information


Device management is the ability to add a device to whatever kind of network or connectivity that device is using to communicate. That process is usually called provisioning. You are provisioning a device on a network. That could be a lot of different things, but one example of that would be provisioning a device on a cellular network. That is how you set that device up so that it can connect to and send data over the cellular network. That’s the first part of it. The second part of it is when you have large quantities of these devices, you need some way to manage those devices. You need some way to detect that a device is not working anymore. If it’s battery-operated, you have to check the battery’s charge to make sure it’s not running out. And if the devices can support “firmware updates over the air” (FUOTA), you need a way to manage that. These are all things that are typically done as a part of device management. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the device, nor with the application – it has to do with how you add, monitor, troubleshoot, replace and ultimately remove the physical devices from the communications network they’re communicating on. And, depending on the particular requirements, Prism can either include device management as part of the application or it can integrate with third-party device management platforms when appropriate.

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