Connect with increased profits.

Improve financial performance and tenant satisfaction.

Sun Reflections on Modern Buildings in Berlin, Germany

Smart building solutions benefit everyone.

Just how Smart can a building really be? Very. Your building can tell you when a water line breaks, when your parking lot is full, and even when a lightbulb goes out in that seldom-used bathroom on the sixth floor.

What can our smart solutions do for you?

Whether you’re making the product, distributing the product, reselling the product, or providing maintenance for the product, we can help you increase your revenue, decrease your costs and learn new insights about your customers. With detailed, real-time reporting, alerts, and a central service for all your connected devices across your entire network, you’ll know exactly where your products and equipment are, how they’re performing, and when they need service (before your customer tells you). All in one place and in real-time. We can reduce your service costs, allow you to better manage your customers’ needs, and create new products/services to develop new revenue streams for your business.


Indoor air quality

Breathe easier knowing that you can breathe easier. Indoor air quality monitoring keeps your air safe and healthy, identifies beneficial conditions, and locates all those things that can’t be good for you. Contaminants from cleaning, excessive dust, and pollutants can’t hide from these sensors. You’ll have healthier tenants, lower absenteeism, higher productivity, and you avoid all those costly legal and regulatory expenses.

Young Handsome Man is Holding Smartphone with Active Smart Home


Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance is the crystal ball of building management. Let your buildings tell you what they need and when they need it instead of scheduling things they don’t need. Early detection of potential problems with appliances, elevators, plumbing, electrical systems, and HVAC is handled by monitoring inputs like sound, temperature, pressure, utilization, and vibration. Smart building monitoring leads to higher productivity and lower personnel costs.


Water management & leak detection

Don’t let water leaks drain you dry. When there’s a delay in finding and fixing a leak, repair costs can skyrocket. Smart building monitoring solutions integrate with flow meters to enable remote shut-off, leak detection with alerts for tenants and managers, plumbing services, and increased system visibility. And, you’ll find out about the leak in real-time instead of whenever someone happens to walk into that broom closet no one uses.

Professional Gas Heating Technician with Gas Detector


Parking management

No more no parking zones. Managing a parking lot or garage involves quite a bit of man-power and money. Whether you’re trying to increase the revenue of your parking spaces, maximize daily staffing, or just get more cars into the lot, our automated parking management solutions will give you the flexibility you need. We can guide your cars into the most efficient parking spot, monitor weather events, accept digital payments, and manage occupancy levels so that people aren’t driving around aimlessly for hours when there are no more open spaces.


Smart lighting

Keep the lights on. Or off. Smart lighting solutions can lower energy costs, increase automation, advertise effectively, and improve safety. Efficient lights with sensitivity to environmental triggers (daylight, occupancy, etc.) deliver cost savings and help out the environment while they’re at it. You’ll receive alerts for failures, occupancy triggers, emergency activation, and any other anomaly you can dream up.